Thursday, June 21, 2007

First image posted--The Holy Trinity

First image posted! This is a depiction of the Holy Trinity I drew a few months back. The idea has been in my mind for some time (a friend of mine pointed out a similar image in a prayer book, so it's possible that I was inspired by it and didn't even realize / remember). I'd like to do a bigger version, painted probably, later on. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Editing the Blog

I'm working on trying to get the right look I want for this blog. It's taking me a bit of time; I have kind of an idea of what I want, but since I don't have access yet to my artwork, a scanner, photoshop, etc., I can't really add much. Once I get those items though I'll get to work. Until then, I may fiddle with the design still and perhaps post some thoughts. . . concerns. . . comments. . . questions. . . popcorn. . . peanuts. . . crackerjacks. . . ellipses. . .

Thursday, June 7, 2007

First Post

Hey everyone!  Welcome to the art blog of Michael K. Ryan.  Here I'll be posting regularly my artwork / what I'm currently up to.  

About the Blog:
The phrase, "Drawing from Life", is commonly spoken in artistic circles.  It refers to the practice of observing one's subject matter in the natural world, and then applying such observations to one's work and techniques.  By understanding life more fully, one can then more accurately depict what they are trying to convey to their audience.  This doesn't mean one shouldn't draw from imagination; rather, it means to constantly study the surrounding world and apply those observations when one does draw using their imagination. . .I believe the two can work in harmony.

The phrase "Drawing from Life" also has religious and philosophical connotations for me personally.  Not only do I literally draw from live subjects at times.  I also draw - rather, seek - my inspiration from the source of all life, God.  He was the first animator, and He is my constant teacher, master, and friend.  I draw too on the experiences of life, from the lives of others, and what can I can learn from them.  As a subheading, I chose the following quote by Mother Teresa: "Let us do something beautiful for God".  I use this phrase because it is my hope that my life's work will be a loving gift for God.

(NOTE: This post has been edited and updated since its first publication date).